New single. “Pretty Dresses”

Our debut single “Pretty Dresses” is now out on Spotify, and Apple Music! Jump into the links below to check it out!

Band Background

“Lacy’s Ditch” is a 4 piece guitar based Country/Rock band from small town Central Illinois. With deep roots in classic music from both of those genres. With influences ranging from Merle Haggard, The Beatles, Blink 182, and Cross Canadian Ragweed. Take all that, throw it in a blender, forget to hold on to the lid, and boom you’ve got Lacy’s Ditch. In all reality it would be impossible to list all of their musical influences.

Regarded as “The Baddest of Boy Bands” and “The Most Majestic Reddirt Band North of the Tennessee Border.” Deriving their name from a small river in Havana, Illinois, they harken back to their rural roots, and the sound that comes from that lifestyle. On March 22nd they released their first single “Pretty Dresses.” Pretty Dresses is an emotional anthem to anyone who might struggle with a certain type of lifestyle that makes it hard to sustain a traditional relationship and life. While at the same time taking everyday insecurities, and putting them front and center in all their ugly reality. “Pretty Dresses” is only the beginning.

With more songs on the way, stay tuned for what is almost certainly going to be a roller coaster of emotions that you aren’t gonna want to miss.

Upcoming Live Shows

July 5th - Oak Run Campground

July 6th - 4th of July celebration - Little Swan Lake, Illinois

July 18th - Warren County Fair - Roseville, Illinois

July 27th - Cernos Bar and Grill - Kewanee, Illinois

August 17th - Private Party - Little Swan Lake, Illinois

August 30th - Orion Fall Fest - Orion, Illinois

November 28th - Thanksgiving Eve at Billy’s Tap - Canton, IL

Social Media

Follow us on our various social media accounts to stay up to date with our schedule and content!


You can get in touch with us from any of the Social Media links above or the information provided below!

Phone: Cody Chandler (309) 403-6705

Phone: Cyle LaFollett: (309) 224-6894
